Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ah, to hear his voice!

I'm a little late in updating this, but I head from my son! Not a tiny note written in bad handwriting on Marine letter head, but his actual voice! He was crying, which worried me. He told me it was a happy cry and that he was just happy to hear my voice. Of course, I'm a nervous mom so I have to wonder if he was being completely truthful! (What, Adam lie? Never! Ha!)

Adam told me that he was glad that he made this decision and he was in the right place. He said he's actually having fun and that his Drill Instructor is cool. I'm so glad to hear that. I was so afraid he was going to regret his decision to join the Marines, but it sure sounds like everything is how it should be.

The same day I heard from him, I also got a letter. It sort of confirmed what I initially thought when he called. He sounds homesick, even if it's just a little. I can imagine that he would be though. Boy, he's going to be sad when he finds out we gave his room to his brother! :-) Adam also asked for my "mom advice" on an issue that I knew was going to come up eventually. I won't devulge anything until it's time, but my boy is growing up. I'm happy and sad at that. Will we always keep a close relationship?? I hope so. I hope we don't lose that connection, no matter where in the world he ends up.

So far, so good. I hope it continues to be a positive, character building experience for him. I'm still keeping track of what he's doing each week. This week, he should be on "Table 1" (still weapons training). I have NO idea what it means! I'm still looking ahead (and stressing) to the "dreaded" Crucible, which he will undergo at the end of September. I guess it is every Marine's Rite of Passage, but it sounds so hard!! I'm looking forward to the week before it though because they will post his Platoon Video online! I get to SEE my boy! I can hardly wait for that and for October when I get to see him in person at graduation. I'm nervous to see the man he has become, but still very excited!

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