Monday, August 4, 2008

A Letter From Boot Camp!

I finally got a letter! Not a form letter and not a robotic phone call at 1am, but an actual letter from Adam! It was so HIM too, just the way he wrote. It sounds like he is feeling okay about his decision. It sounds like he "fits". I was so afraid that I was going to get a letter that said he hated it, didn't think he was going to make it and made the wrong decision. But he sounded very positive as he explained that he has two "jobs" within his platoon. He is the Whiskey Pig and the Witch Doctor. I have absolutely NO IDEA what he's talking about, but I'll take what I can get. He did mention (more than once) to tell his girlfriend that he missed her and loved her and to write as soon as possible. Ha! He IS a teenage boy after all. I hope if/when he comes home on leave after boot camp that he doesn't spend ALL his time with his girlfriend. I imagine he'll spend a majority of the time with her though.

I had sent a letter to him last week, but it looks like he had not gotten it when he wrote his letter. I started to cry when I realized it was actually FROM him, written in his old sloppy handwriting. He didn't say anything about missing his stupid cat, but that cat sure is missing him! He finally came down off the shelf where Adam's picture was set. Now he just does weird stuff. He wanders through the house making all kinds of strange noises then will just pass out and cat nap where ever he is. He still goes into Adam's room and howl for him. It's so sad and funny at the same time.

In Adam's letter, he said he bought a phone card so we MIGHT get a phone call from him now and then. That would be nice. I would very much like to hear his voice. I will cross my fingers.

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