Friday, August 8, 2008

Military Mom

The Bonds among Military Moms are bonds that no other Moms could share or understand. It is a bond that can never be broken or torn. It is now and always.
We are Marine,we are Army, we are Navy and we are Air Force. We are the American Military Moms. We have raised the best of the best. The Proudest of the Proud.
We have sisterhood,that no one can understand. It is the sisterhood of the Military Moms.

We cry at night,we worry 24/7 and we miss everyday. We also are Proud all year long.

When one hurts, we all hurt. When one cries, we all cry.
When one is happy, we all are happy.
When one is dancing, we all dance.
When one is in Pain,we share the Pain.
When one has a Homecoming, we all rejoice just to see them Smile.

Our Favorite color is yellow,we love our yellow ribbons & bows. Juat look at our yards and home. But most of all we Love our Red,White and Blue. It is a symbol of our Pride for our Children. And we will defend it to the end together as our bond among each other and What we share together.

We defend our children's choices and respect their jobs. Knowing deep down inside our hearts break for not having our children near. We sacrifice more than any other mom could ever without even getting a simple little two words, "Thank You."

We miss sleep,we stay at the post office,we live by the phone, we watch the TV and stay close to the computor.

We are Military Moms. We are Proud, we are Strong, we are Special and we are Growing each day. We share a sisterhood that is the best sisterhood in the World.

This is the Bond of the Military Moms.

~Author Unknown

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