Thursday, August 7, 2008

2nd letter sent off to my son...

I just couldn't sit around anymore and wait to get another letter from Adam, so I sent out another letter to HIM. Maybe I can guilt him out of a letter or two! Ha! I know he's busy, but not hearing from him is tearing me up inside.

I told him about some of the things that have happened in the past week and a half. The color guard survived band camp (and so did I). Cat (his girlfriend) was official given one of the positions of Guard Captain and to be honest, her help was invaluable to me. The other guard instructor wasn't there so it was nice that I could count on Cat for support. She's a good girl and she and Adam are good together. I imagine eventually she will be my daughter-in-law so it's nice that we get to spend some time together while Adam is away. She misses him as much as I do (but in a different way).

I told Adam about the parade we marched last Saturday and how well the guard did. I sent him some pictures cropped right into the letter so he could see his girlfriend marching. I also cropped in a picture of his little sister who was crowned Little Miss Gilcrest (our town). It was cute. Adam would have loved to ride with her in the parade.

I'm really, really, REALLY missing Adam's cooking. I know that's selfish, but his brothers can't cook anything! When it's their night to cook, it's usually Ramen noodles or frozen pizza (something they really can mess up, much).

I hope to hear from him again soon. I know he got my first letter by now. I hope he is doing well and really enjoying his training. Yes, I said "enjoying". It's all part of the experience that is forming him into the man he will be for at least the next four years, but most likely the rest of his life. There is much that he can learn and take away from boot camp. I hope he is soaking it all in as he rubs his sore muscles and complains about the aches and pains. I've started to think about his graduation in October. I can't wait to see him. I feel a little sad though at the same time. The next time I see my boy, he will be an entirely new man. I'm nervous. I mean, our relationship is now and forever changed since he has stepped into the next phase of his life. I hope that our relationship stays close and no matter where he ends up in this crazy world, that he remembers to call his mommy every now and then. It's weird writing to him and he seems so far away. I know all of my kids will leave the nest some day, but I can't think ahead that far. I can only focus on Adam being gone right now. The house seems empty without him there. He changed my life on the day that he was born and for that I owe him everything. I really do miss him, but it is getting better to handle. I do still cry if a "soldier" song comes on the radio (especially those country songs, darn them!).

So, here's hoping for another letter from boot camp and prayer for an actual PHONE CALL! That would make me so happy, to hear his voice.

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