Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Off to California!

Yes, the day has come to get on a plane to go see my son! This thirteen weeks has seemed like an eternity. It's weird, I couldn't wait for him to leave, now I can hardly wait for him to come home. Even when he DOES come home, it's not going to be for long.

This next phase envokes a new kind of fear. No longer is Adam in the "safety" of boot camp. They can send him anywhere they want him with a moments notice and there is nothing I can do about it. They can even send him to the worst feared places that a mother of a Marine can imagine. They can put him in harm's way and as his mother, I can no longer protect him. I just have to trust and pray he will be safe.

I AM very excited to see Adam, but I'm still nervous. The next post will be from the west coast!

Here is a picture that I took of the computer screen as I watched Adam's platoon video! Doesn't he look great!?!?!

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