Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tickets are booked!

I'm going to see my son!!! It feels so good to have the ticket booked to go out to Adam's graduation. I can hardly believe it's three weeks away! It feels like an eternity since I saw him last though. I know his graduation is rapidly approaching and it's a very exciting time, but I can't help thinking about when he leaves again. His time home will be short and bittersweet. He's hoping to get some time with Recruiter's Assistance (a little extra time home in return for helping the recruiters and poolies). That would be nice, but somehow I bet he'll be spending more time with his girlfriend then he will his family. Sigh. How did my boy grow up so quick behind my back? Was it when I wasn't looking?

I got a really good letter from him last weekend. It had some things that I really needed to hear from him. He told me that he would always be my best friend, no matter where in the world he was. He promised we would never lose the relationship we have. He also told me something I had already noticed. He feels like he's starting to change. He says he feels more like a Marine. He can "roll his sleeves and blouse his boots better" now. I guess that's important. Lol. I had already noticed the change in him, just by his letters. I'm sad that my boy is all grown up, but I could not be more proud of him than I am right now. He is truly My Hero.

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