Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Made it through the 1st holiday without him!

Well, Thanksgiving came and went even though my son was not there to share it with. He DID call a couple times, but it was still weird without him there. I know he would have been nit-picking my turkey and claiming he could have done a better job! Ha! THAT would have been more normal for me. I will admit that it was HARD doing all that cooking without my cooking buddy. By the end of the day, I was exhausted!

Adam said he got a good meal, but it was still not the same. Then they just "hung out". I wonder if how he felt throughout the day. That has to be weird for him too. I wonder how homesick he gets. He certainly doesn't drop any hints about being homesick to me, but I would be willing to bet he does when he talks to Cat. It's so weird now that he is an adult. It seems just yesterday he was a little boy.

I ventured out on Black Friday (must be crazy) and did some Christmas shopping. I'm having a hard time figuring out what to get Adam for Christmas. I mean, what does a Marine need? What CAN he have? The older the kids get, the harder Christmas shopping gets, but this is far and away the hardest year. I just hope that I don't have to ship his Christmas presents to him because he isn't able to make it home. That's the only thing I want for Christmas. My son to come home so we are a family again. Without him, it just doesn't feel the same.

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